To raise and distribute financial assistance for the therapy or treatment of the of survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

Sister Cathy Cesnik Fund for Survivors, Inc.

Please browse our website and get to know who we are and how we can help YOU! Click on the aqua buttons to be transferred to different areas of interest around the site. But start by reading "About Us" below...

About us:
The Sister Cathy Cesnik Fund for Survivors takes its name from the School Sister of Notre Dame, Sister Cathy Cesnik, who taught at Archbishop Keough High School and was murdered in 1969. Her murder and the abuse of the schoolgirls she was trying to help were covered in the Netflix documentary, "The Keepers." Her story shone a light on the sexual abuse of high school students by priests employed at Archbishop Keough High School and elsewhere and led to expanded investigations. Keough alumnae and other supporters of sexual abuse survivors formed this non-profit foundation to obtain and provide financial assistance to support treatment of survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
Reaching us:
You may reach us by Surface Mail at:
Sr. Cathy Cesnik Fund for Survivors, Inc.
P.O. Box 181
13 Middle Street
Taneytown Maryland, 21786
or by emailing Michele G. Stanton, LCSW-C, LLC
or by entering contact information in the form below.
We will respond to you as soon as possible.