Who we are ...
Several years ago, Archbishop Keough High School abuse survivors became aware of some funds that the Archdiocese of Baltimore was making available to them in compensation for the sexual abuse experienced at Archbishop Keough High School and several other locations in the Archdiocese. The amounts offered (not litigated) were minimal, and while said to be used to provide abuse-related health care, participating survivors found settlement funds were exhausted before needed therapy was completed. This left survivors with on-going healthcare needs and often no means to afford continued treatment.
Michele Stanton, a mental health practitioner and Keough survivor, appealed unsuccessfully to the Archdiocese of Baltimore to continue support for these survivors. She then requested the Archdiocese sponsor a fundraiser, but again they declined.
In 2018, Michele began a GoFundMe page to support the survivors in need-- independent of the archdiocese. She was joined by Gemma Hoskins, a Keough 1970 alumna featured in the Netflix documentary series The Keepers, who was also advocating for survivors.
Before long, their efforts outgrew GoFundMe.com, and the need to establish a Not-for-Profit Foundation became apparent. Other Alumnae, including survivors, as well as non-alum supporters from several related professions joined the effort as board members.
Donations to the Sr. Cathy Cesnik Fund for Survivors are distributed to those survivors who request assistance, and whose needs are authenticated.
We intend, with your support, to keep the spirit of faith and charity alive by providing that care for those who were betrayed as children.